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Sustainability with 3 Components


Sustainability with 3 Components

The components of the 'sustainability' journey, which has an impact on the foundation of every sector and focuses on transforming our habits in an environmentally friendly manner, actually guide us all.


When we look at the components of sustainability; We see the categories of environmental protection, economic growth, social development. As TROWAS Concept, while brainstorming during the design phase of our project, we wanted the product we created to fully adopt the environmentally friendly character. Thus, we conducted a detailed study as a team to implement all 3 components in our innovative product.



Environmental Protection


The use of digital business cards contributes to reducing paper consumption. We have implemented the 'environmental protection' component, which aims to use our exhaustible resources in nature with more rational approaches, both by reducing the use of paper and by using the TROWAS Digital Business Card, which is produced from recyclable plastic.


Economic Growth


TROWAS Digital Many brands that prefer the use of business cards state that they show high development and increase their sales. Thus, companies that will increase the welfare of society can contribute to the development of their brands by choosing the use of digital business cards.


Social Development


The use of TROWAS Digital Business Card both accelerates and makes communication between individuals effective. Moreover, in accordance with the pandemic measures, you can continue this communication process without contact.


Isn't it perfect? Join the TROWAS Digital Business Card experience, which adopts the 'Sustainability' theme with its 3 components!


How We Work ?

The shopping process for the orders you place on our website, briefly, is as follows.

Printing Approval
1-3 Working Days